
Expert -(形容词)- having, 涉及, 或显示从训练或经验中获得的特殊技能或知识.

虽然我们不能声称自己是万事通, when you have a process problem that can benefit from an extra set of eyes or hands, 这就是我们熟练的技术人员茁壮成长的地方.


1. 对事物是如何运作的无限好奇
2. 喜欢卷起袖子解决别人做不到的问题
3. 总是喜欢表演和讲述

Put this all together and you have an idea of what makes our Technical Team tick. 我们的团队已经在几个行业建立了他们的街头信誉 贸易展览, 展示 real life examples of how we have improved a process or increased productivity for our customers.

We put our veteran technical team head to head with rookies in our three application areas of cleaning, finishing and treating by asking them questions about themselves as well as their time in the industry.



下载 our speaker booklet to see the various topics and bios on all of our experts.

  • 清洗挑战,金属剥离,和水/溶剂.
  • 金属表面处理与热处理和防腐.
  • 优化您的废水处理计划并保持合规.


Biological wastewater treatment can be a more effective solution for managing wastewater in the industrial world. 但是什么是生物制剂呢? 而不是传统的去除污染物, a biological system uses bacteria substances upon their contact with the waste stream. 利用大自然的这种力量, 金属精加工制造商可以去除关键化合物,如:BOD/COD, 营养素莱克阀门... 阅读更多


如《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》中所见,出版于2023年10月4日   重新评估你的清洁过程? 康纳Callais of Hubbard-Hall offers an in-depth discussion of what you should keep in mind. Q: We’ve been having trouble getting good coverage in our immersion iron phosphate process before powder, 导致多次返工和不合规格的零件. 这个问题出现的时间与我们的供应商差不多... 阅读更多

Hubbard-Hall wastewater treatment specialist 罗宾的交易 discusses the latest trends in wastewater management. 

正如在2024年4月1日出版的《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》中所见 加德纳商业媒体总编斯科特·弗朗西斯编辑 As the EPA conducts fact-finding surveys in the metal finishing community regarding PFAS contamination, 废水处理是一个日益受到关注的精加工操作. In this installment of Products Finishing’s On the Line interview column, we’re digging int... 阅读更多


正如《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》中所见,出版于2024年2月27日 由Lori Beckman编辑,高级编辑,生产加工 来源:Jayco清洁技术 Hubbard-Hall and Jayco Cleaning Technologies have collaborated to develop a solution for new regulatory changes. As the Environmental Protection Agency evaluates the impact of hazardous substances such as methylene chloride... 阅读更多


如《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》所示,出版于2023年4月10日 加德纳商业媒体总编斯科特·弗朗西斯编辑 图片来源:Getty Images A group of rival businesses comes together to educate the next generation of metal finishers. Connecticut manufacturing is known for providing finishes for some of the most impressive products in the world including aerospace compo... 阅读更多


在整理中可以看到 & 涂层,2023年9月12日 对营养物质和生物需氧量(BOD)的限制越来越严格, 小型生物系统是否适合您的工业设施?We will explore the ins and outs of biological wastewater treatment and how it fits into the industrial world around us. 我们将研究系统的大小和要求,细菌和它们的能力... 阅读更多


如http://jaycoclean所示./ / 2024年2月 工业清洁的前景正在迅速变化, with increasing EPA regulations on solvents and a growing need for manufacturers to find alternative cleaning methods. Here is what parts cleaning experts Jeff Beard (Product and Business Development Manager for Jayco Cleaning Technologies) and 迈克·瓦伦蒂 (Director of Cleaning Technologie... 阅读更多


作者:蒂姆·彭宁顿,主编 在整理中可以看到 & 涂层,2024年2月19日 与美国.S. EPA proposing to ban all uses of trichloroethylene in cleaning and vapor degreasing, 许多完成学业的人都想知道他们还有什么选择.这一行动, 根据《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》(TSCA), 会禁止生产TCE吗, 处理, 以及各种用途的分布.我们采访了Jeff Dav... 阅读更多


所以当我们全面审视制造业时, 很多人计划扩张和生产, 比如增加新的生产线,增加生产时间, 这给他们的污水处理系统带来了额外的压力. We want to future-proof our wastewater systems so that when we do those manufacturing increases, 我们以后不必担心我们的废水系统... 阅读更多


The most common type of corrosion – called atmospheric corrosion – occurs when a metal surface is exposed to oxygen and moisture which then causes a chemical reaction producing iron oxide or rust. 对于金属精加工来说,生锈是一个后果严重的问题. 这是我们和拉里·恩斯利的对话, 技术应用总监,并就如何解决这一问题分享想法. 点击下载... 阅读更多


一个客户的问题:我们是一家氯化锌电镀公司和15号生产线,每天通过一个膜系统输送1000加仑的水. 我们努力保持细胞膜正常运转. We average between 36 and 48 hours of run time before we must stop and clean the membranes. 我们可以做些什么来改进运行时? 污水处理专家: “That’s a great question, and in my personal experience as a M... 阅读更多


A question from a customer: “We are a zinc-nickel plater with a discharge of 80,000 gpd. 当我们能够满足锌和镍的放电数字时, 总悬浮固体(TSS). 我们有一个小的浮冰形成缓慢沉降. 有固体越过堰. 我们能做些什么来帮助解决这个问题?” A:当我们观察金属的氢氧化物沉淀时,我们... 阅读更多


The heart of industry, almost nothing can be manufactured without heat-treating. We recently caught up with Bob Farrell (Senior Vice President and Technical Director at Hubbard-Hall) and asked him a few questions about the heat-treat market, what he has seen in his 30 years of experience and what lies ahead for manufactures using these applications. 阅读更多:下载采访PDF 我为什么... 阅读更多


Black oxide is the conversion of a base metal material to an oxide of that base metal material. 最典型的例子就是Fe3O4, 什么是黑色的氧化铁, otherwise known as magnetite; another is a CuO, 或者一氧化铜. It occurs when the chemicals react with a base material to form an oxide of the base’s primary constituent. 在不锈钢的情况下,它不仅形成氧化物,而且... 阅读更多


与哈伯德大厅的杰里·德怀尔的对话 杰瑞·德怀尔首席执行官, 是哈伯德·霍尔热处理产品组的市场经理吗, 黑色氧化物和磷酸盐. His background and experience have established him with knowledgeable insight into the world of heat treating and metal finishing. Dwyer specializes in the above processes and has over a thirty-year history in the heat trea... 阅读更多

神话# 1

清洁的神话 误解1 / 8:水显然比溶剂“便宜” 普通的城市用水不能清洗任何东西. 它需要表面活性剂和清洁剂来降低表面张力并去除土壤. 这些在清洁过程中消耗,需要补充. 需要更高的温度来激活清洁化学物质, 在保证良好的润湿和蒸发后,哪一点是重要的 ... 阅读更多

神话# 2

清洁的神话 误解2(8):水性系统不能用于关键清洗 首先,让我们弄清楚“关键清理”有一个非常具体的含义. 它是指去除亚微米颗粒和非挥发性残留物. 当任何表面污染都会产生不利影响时,就需要这样做. 虽然许多过程和产品可能符合条件,但这个术语的使用是特别的... 阅读更多

神话# 3

清洁的神话 误解3 / 8:水清洗总是比溶剂“更安全” There’s a misapprehension that “水清洗” refers to cleaning with water. 当涉及到水时, 在适当的情况下可以是溶剂, 在含水清洗系统中,水中含有添加剂. These have several functions, such as lowering surface tension, creating chelation, (the dr... 阅读更多

神话# 4

清洁的神话 误解4 / 8:溶剂都是坏的! “有偿付能力”是一个非常宽泛的术语. Any substance that will dissolve another is, technically, a solvent, and that includes water. 然而, in popular parlance, “solvent” often refers to chemicals that will dissolve oil and grease. 例如丙酮、异丙醇、乙醇和乙酸丁酯. 如果这些名字看起来很熟悉,那就是他... 阅读更多

神话# 5

清洁的神话 误解5 / 8:政府将禁止使用溶剂 It’s true that for some classes of solvents their use either has been or is in the process of being phased out. 然而, 许多其他的仍然被允许, although in some cases there are regulations regarding aspects of usage like ventilation. 一般来说,像美国环保署这样的权威机构采取解决问题的观点... 阅读更多

神话# 6

清洁的神话 误解6 / 8:溶剂清洗总是最有效的方法 溶剂是非常有效的清洁剂,在正确的应用. 要考虑的要点是, 正在清洗的是什么?, 被清洗的是什么, 清洗它是为了什么? Solvents are highly effective for dissolving oils and their low surface tension enables good penetration and evaporation. 溶剂cl... 阅读更多

神话# 7

清洁的神话 迷思7 / 8:市场由水性清洗剂主导 与溶剂清洗相比, 水溶液仍然是新来者, 尽管它已经使用了20年. 使用水清洗无疑是在上升, 但说它主导了市场是不正确的. 特别是精密清洗,是溶剂清洗占主导地位的领域. 关键是,在选择清洗的时候 ... 阅读更多

神话# 8

清洁的神话 误区8:清洁就是挑选一种化学物质 化学反应当然很重要. The solvent or aqueous cleaner must be compatible with the soil or contamination you want to remove, 但实际情况比这更复杂. Consider also the material to be cleaned: some cleaners will damage some surfaces. 然后是期望的清洁程度. O... 阅读更多